Tag Archives: Ernestine Shepherd

Monday Morning Motivation – Ernestine Shepherd

11 Jul

Too often, people think that you should lower your expectations as you age. Sure, you may not beat PBs that you set at a younger age, but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve great things (and in terms of running, age grading is a wonderful thing!)

I first read about Ernestine Shepherd in 2015. She is a truly remarkable lady who was the world’s oldest female bodybuilder as declared by the Guinness Book of Records in 2010 and 2011. Ernestine celebrated her 80th birthday in June 2016 and is showing no signs of slowing down, although she no longer competes in body building competitions.

Ernestine Shepherd

Ernestine Shepherd

If you want to feel inspired today, I’d recommend that you watch this 8 minute long documentary about Ernestine:

The Remarkable Story of Ernestine Shepherd

